Angling Report

The latest news from the banks and boats
Report for week ending: 30th November, 2024 |
Rod average : 3.67 |
Best fish : 5lb 3ozs rainbow trout |
Caught by : Mr. E. Donovan |
From : South Lake, bank |
Fly used : White & Green Minkie |
Best Dry Flies : natural Sedgehog |
Best Wet Flies/Nymphs : Butcher ; Black Pennell |
Best Lures : White Rabbit ; white mini minkie ; black minkie ; Cat’s Whisker ; Appetiser |
Best Areas : Gorse Bushes ; Boathouse Bay ; Ten Acre Bay ; St. Stephens Bay ; Dougies ; boat drifts into Watery Lane ; Mary Lou’s ; Mickledale Bay ; Rainbow Corner (Mon, Tues and Fri only for bank anglers) |
Summary Report
Season ends on a high note …
The final day of the Season crept upon us again this year and before we knew it we were closing the doors on 30th November. Despite experiencing some very inclement wet weather conditions throughout the year again (a sign of things to come with our climate, perhaps?) we also enjoyed some extremely productive days of sport and the Season ended on a high note with superb fish being caught closer to the margins whilst feeding on fry.
During the Season we recorded more than 5,000 individual visits and received many extremely positive comments about the fishery and its staff, for which we are all very grateful – Blithfield Reservoir Trout Fishery is run by anglers, for anglers and whilst we don’t have all the bells and whistles that some fisheries have, our focus is always on the safe sporting experience anglers can have here, regardless of their level of fly fishing knowledge. Our overall rod average for the entire Season was a very buoyant 5.96. This figure is calculated from all returns submitted including those from 4 hour permits and nil returns.
We have been stocking quality rainbow, blue and brown trout for some years now and a huge thanks must go to our Fish Farm Team of Will, Jack and Jake for rearing some of the best trout we’ve seen for many years. A particular feature this year has been the increased size and stamina of our rainbow trout and for this we also thank our valued suppliers for providing the excellent foundations on which to build our stocks each Season.

A stunning example of a rainbow trout reared in our on-site fish farm
Weekly stocking continued through the Season at Blithfield

At this point, we also want to thank all of you who visited us this year – whether for a few hours or for a couple of days at a time. We hope you enjoyed your time with us and that you will visit again next Season.
The winners of the November Lucky Draw were E. Donovan and John Clevely – congratulations to you both! We are delighted to announce that the monthly Lucky Draw will resume at the end of March 2025.
In the next few weeks we will be sending out permit applications for the 2025 Season – if you would like to receive one, please drop an email to us at [email protected] . A permit is by far the most cost-effective way of visiting the fishery and our popular pro-rata permits start at just £270 for 12 weeks.
For those who visit on day and 4-hour tickets there will also be a new way of booking and paying next year for anglers who like to use apps on their phones/tablets/PCs. Using the Catch app you will be able to book and pay in advance, upload catch reports, view the latest fishery updates and more. The app is available to download in the app store relevant to your device.

As we have witnessed during the past 3 or 4 years, the sport of fly fishing is changing. Fewer young people are coming into the sport and, as an industry, we face many challenges in the years to come. There are less of the larger still waters available to fish nowadays ; an increase in wetter, windier weather ; milder winters ; fewer anglers ; higher overheads as fish and feed prices rise much more sharply than permit costs and the current desire to catch more than 10 fish per session. All of these challenges can be met and overcome but this could mean higher prices on permits, even fewer fisheries surviving or changes to Season opening and closing times – not just here at Blithfield but nationally as well.
Therefore there has never been a more important time to say this – please support fly fisheries as much as you can in the coming year. Even if you only visit once or twice, or call in for a few hours at a time. All fisheries need your support more than ever, and not just the little ones – some larger fisheries, owned by utilities businesses, are self-funding. This means they can only spend what they make each year. You can all make a difference to their existence.
So as we close on the 2024 Season we would like to wish you all a safe and very happy Winter. We open next year on 3rd March for Season Permit holders only and on 17th March for all other anglers.
As always, we hope to see you soon…
**Any Loyalty cards not yet completed can be used until 31st May, 2025 so be sure to keep collecting your stamps in early 2025 !
The rod average is 3.67